North Bend Elementary Library
The mission of our CCA District Library Program is to foster inviting, inclusive, innovative, collaborative,
and culturally responsive learning environments which empower learners to explore, connect, evaluate, and create.
Library Circulation Policy:
Kindergarten - 1 book for 2 weeks
1st - 3rd grades - 2 books for 2 weeks
If you do not finish your book in time, ask to RENEW it. (The book does not need to be brought to the library to renew.) Books may be returned and new books checked out any day of the week, even if it is not a student's regularly scheduled library visit day. Overdue items count as items checked out to a student until they are returned or renewed. Fines are not assessed for overdue library items, but we do ask that replacement fees be paid for books that are lost or damaged.
Miranda Kral
Teacher Librarian
Reading Resources
Research Resources
Math Resources
Creation Resources
Extension Resources
Please click here for username and password information for our CCA District Resources. This information is only accessible by CCA students and faculty. Please contact your teacher librarian for further assistance.